Criminal law, cybercrime
anti-money laundering
and anti-corruption law


The basis for appropriate criminal protection is that the client, be it an individual or a business association, should contact our criminal professionals at the earliest possible stage, before the initiation of an official criminal proceeding, and use their legal services and advice. Leave criminal defense only to an experienced, competent defense attorney.

How can we help you?

We provide full criminal protection to individuals and companies from the investigation phase to the final court decision. You should visit our office as early as possible so that we can develop a professional defense strategy in a thorough and comprehensive way. This timing is crucial not only for the specific case, but also for avoiding further criminal prosecutions.

Professional criminal protection

In addition to criminal protection of drug-related crimes, traffic offenses and property crimes, Gloner&Partners Law Firm has extensive experience and expertise in international extradition cases thanks to its foreign network. Contact us with confidence and use our criminal defense services.

With risk analysis, we map and filter out harmful operational details that are detrimental to the company. We identify tax risks, review contractual relationships, suppliers, management processes, financial transactions. We review the tax structure and check the day-to-day operation of the company according to the tax optimization legal framework. In connection with the company’s activities, we analyze and provide support to minimize potential legal, financial and managerial risks. With full legal advice, we help our clients ensure that the company operates safely and successfully in compliance with the law.

Economic criminal counseling

Cybercrime Law

Abuses and crimes are called cybercrime committed with the help of computer equipment or at the expense of such networks. The methods of cybercrime are extremely wide-ranging, and its targets and tools are constantly changing. It covers everything from internet fraud, counterfeiting, data theft, virtual space harassment, abuse, online identity theft, attacks on IT systems.

How can we help you?

If an individual, group or company falls victim to this type of crime, there is no need to wait or hope that the case will be resolved on its own, legal assistance should be sought urgently. Although cybercrime often appears elusive and may even take a previously unknown form, it can cause extremely serious damage, ranging from financial loss (e.g. theft of credit card details) to mental health injuries (e.g. online harassment) to total disenfranchisement (child abuse, exploitation, identity theft). Cooperative legal efforts are underway at international level to eradicate this type of crime and abuse. Gloner Law Firm has extensive experience and expertise in the field of cybercrime, so ask for our legal help!

Anti-money laundering law

The Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML) was designed to prevent the laundering of criminal proceeds, tax evasion and the financing of terrorism. In the case of companies whose operations could potentially be at risk, it is very important to ensure that this is prevented by the appropriate legal background.

How can we help you?

anti-money laundering risk assessment, procedure development, advisory

Contact Gloner&Partners Law Firm and we will prepare your company’s risk assessment and compliance program under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, as well as help you develop the regulations and methods by which you can ensure the legitimate operation of the company under the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

Specialized law on the prevention of corruption

The U.S. Anti-Corruption Act (FCPA) is designed to prevent bribery. Attempts to influence the decision-making of government officials for business advantage will result in severe penalties. FCPA regulations must be complied with by all persons and companies that have legal relations with the United States, so it is important not only to clarify which companies and cases are covered by the FCPA, but also to ensure that these rules are enforced by effective means.

How can we help you?

The FCPA is an extremely serious and strict law, and there is essentially no minimum threshold for when it counts as an attempted bribery. And not only in cases that are directly implemented, but also, for example, in cases of indirect bribery attempts through a third party. It covers U.S. individuals, corporations, U.S.-listed companies, and bribery of government officials that are territorially related to the United States. Moreover, even a specific physical presence is not necessarily needed for this territorial involvement (e.g. e-mail sent via a US server). However, serious penalties can also be expected if, for example, an American company’s Hungarian subsidiary violates FCPA regulations.

  • planning and implementation of corruption prevention programmes

Our legal team supports companies and institutions in developing and implementing corruption prevention programs that can legally establish anti-corruption policies, ensure smooth operation and have a positive long-term impact on the corporate culture.